
“Giving opens the way for receiving.”

--Florence Scovel Shinn


As Grace transitions to a new fiscal year structure beginning July1, the Finance Team invites you to consider either pledging traditionally, or pledging in ways of directed giving on your own terms.


How does this work, you may ask? As you are able to give/pledge, the Finance Team has created a “dual” Giving Card:

*Traditional Giving is structured where your gifts would be used as needed in the operations budget. 

*Directed Giving allows you to give to ongoing missions, or ones of your own choosing that are not listed. Also found there are other missions or projects that can allow you in dreaming or imagining the future of Grace in the longer term.


Whichever pathway you may choose, we ask for your prayerful consideration, remembering the Finance Team is always available to you in answering any questions you may have.

Please e-mail


Florence Scovel Shinn’s words are even more appropriate for us yet today. Are we ready to open the way of receiving?


 God Bless You,

 Grace Finance Team

Pledge Commitment Form