Deaf Ministry


Deaf Ministry at Grace Church

We provide many services to Deaf people and those using American Sign Language through our ministry for the Deaf. Our regular offerings include:

  • Deaf Community Worship (with communion): 3rd Sunday of every month

  • Deaf movie day and discussion: 3rd Sunday of every month following worship

    These events are led and coordinated by Karen Miller, a deaf person and certified lay leader, and Patti Collett Ravilious, a certified lay leader.

Through the Deaf Ministry we also:

  • Advocate for the establishing Deaf group homes in Delaware

  • Provide pastoral care visits to hospitals and nursing homes

  • Host a one week residential camp each summer for Deaf people of all ages

  • Host other fun events like health workshop (including a mammogram workshop) Thanksgiving and -Easter events with special guests like Megg Rose and Noah Buckholz

  • Volunteer at DSD for student mentoring and 5K fund raisers

  • Coordinate mission trips to Zimbabwe Kenya, Jamaica and Red Bird, Kentucky

  • Host a free tax workshop by AARP at both Grace and in Rehoboth Beach

Want to get involved? We'd love to hear from you.

You can also email: Karen Miller ( or text at 302.562.4621)

or Patti Collett Ravilious (