Deaf Ministry
Deaf Ministry at Grace Church
We provide many services to Deaf people and those using American Sign Language through our ministry for the Deaf. Our regular offerings include:
Deaf Community Worship (with communion): 3rd Sunday of every month
Deaf movie day and discussion: 3rd Sunday of every month following worship
These events are led and coordinated by Karen Miller, a deaf person and certified lay leader, and Patti Collett Ravilious, a certified lay leader.
Through the Deaf Ministry we also:
Advocate for the establishing Deaf group homes in Delaware
Provide pastoral care visits to hospitals and nursing homes
Host a one week residential camp each summer for Deaf people of all ages
Host other fun events like health workshop (including a mammogram workshop) Thanksgiving and -Easter events with special guests like Megg Rose and Noah Buckholz
Volunteer at DSD for student mentoring and 5K fund raisers
Coordinate mission trips to Zimbabwe Kenya, Jamaica and Red Bird, Kentucky
Host a free tax workshop by AARP at both Grace and in Rehoboth Beach
Want to get involved? We'd love to hear from you.
You can also email: Karen Miller ( or text at 302.562.4621)
or Patti Collett Ravilious (